Singapore is Expected to Approve a Trial of Self-Driving Taxis in the City

Singapore is expected to again show that their government can be quite innovative and action oriented. Singapore plans to allow a trial of self-driving taxis on Singapore’s roads.

A Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) is a research consortium that’s applied to run the driverless taxi pilot project on the normal public roads in Singapore.

Singapore Is Already Planning for a Future of Driverless Taxis

the basic idea will be that people can book a driverless ride via a smartphone. Initially service will be limited to the “one-north” district of Singapore, a massive business park full of biomedical, digital media, and technology companies. The first round of rides will be free, he says, and might be restricted to “one-north” employees.

Frazzoli says SMART was the first applicant for the trial, and hopes to get its testing permit soon. When approval does arrive, the consortium plans to role out a modest robotaxi trial in “one-north” within about six months. But Frazzoli believes Singapore has much bigger plans for driverless cabs; he thinks officials will broaden the program to the whole city-state within about a year.

Driverless cars really seem to be expected, by those who should know, to be on the roads much sooner than I ever thought possible. It is great to see Singapore leading in this effort. This is exactly the type of thing Singapore needs to pursue to continue to succeed economically.

Related: Profiting from Self-Driving CarsTaxis Vanish in Rain as Singapore Gets CongestedTransportation from Singapore to Johor Bahru MalaysiaJB to Singapore by TaxiCMU Wins $2 million in Urban Robot Auto Race (2007)

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Nature parks are usually not the first thing that comes to mind when people think of Singapore. But Singapore actually has several excellent parks including the Sungei Buloh Nature Park.

Lots of birds at the Sungei Buhlu Wetlands Reserve

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is located on the North of Singapore bordered by the Johor Strait, with a view to Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The reserve, covers an area of 130 hectares, was designated as a nature park in 1989 and gazetted (with an expanded size of 40 hectares greater than the original area) in 2002 and listed as an ASEAN Heritage Park in 2003 (Singapore’s first such park).

Milky Stork at the Sungei Buhlu Wetlands Reserve, Singapore

Milky Stork – they are classified as endangered and are also found in Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia.

I actually see these fly over Johor Bahru fairly often in the morning or evening. They mirror the commuters going and returning from work each day.

Malayan water monitor lizard

Malayan water monitor lizard

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Taxis Vanish in Rain as Singapore Gets Congested

I have found he taxi situation in Singapore to be poor. It is tolerable if it doesn’t rain, but even without rain is it not good (it is just too hard to find a taxi and waits are too long), not up to what I would expect from Singapore. Also the subways have become very overcrowded and again not up to the standard for convenience I expect from Singapore.

The root of the transportation problems are excessive population growth without the necessary infrastructure improvement. I think it has been a mistake to grow so much, but if the rapid growth is going to be the policy then the transportation infrastructure should have been managed much better. The rapid growth has many negative impacts beyond transportation: rapidly rising costs, changing culture with huge influx of foreigners, overcrowding, etc..

Taxis Vanish in Rain as Singapore Gets Congested

At 6 a.m. one weekday morning, 64-year-old taxi driver Koh Chia Hock set out to ply Singapore’s roads when it started raining. So he turned around and went home.

“If I go and fetch a customer, it’s very risky,” said Koh, as the heavy traffic raises the chance of an accident that could leave him without earnings while the car is repaired. “I don’t have the stomach for it. I don’t want to drive when it rains.”

Cab drivers like Koh are avoiding the traffic jams that have become a hallmark of Singapore’s tropical rainstorms after a jump in the city’s population and a surge in vehicles clogged roads.

“There are too many cars,” said taxi driver Koh, who says it takes twice as long to get to the city center than when he started driving cabs a decade ago. “It’s not that there are too few taxis, it’s just that if they are not occupied, they are caught in jams.”

The government’s Land Transport Authority says the average waiting time for a taxi in the city center during peak hours in March was 4.1 minutes and average traffic speed in the central business district in 2012 was 28.6 kilometers per hour (18 miles per hour).

Paul Barter… “Averages are very misleading,” said Barter, who has lived in the city-state for 12 years. “Things are not quite as bad as some people have been saying, they’re not quite as rosy as the government has been saying.”

What is happening is not surprising if it wasn’t Singapore; for most locations government mis-managing things is common. but Singapore has done so well for so long that when an aspect of government policy is implemented in a way that is just a bit better than an average (for most governments) it is very disappointing. Basically, Singapore has set expectations that the government will manage things very well, failing to do so is disappointing even if the results are really better than most places. This failure is really about the policy decisions to grow the population so much, so quickly, in my opinion. The transportation failures are a result of that policy, without that course of action transportation likely would be in good shape.

Related: Transportation from Singapore to Johor Bahru, MalaysiaSingapore Light Rail from the AirportSingapore’s Health Care SystemJB to Singapore by Taxi

Fighting Dengue Fever With Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

With the ongoing Dengue fever outbreak in Singapore I wonder if they are thinking of experimenting with this option. The video was created by the Wellcome Trust (a UK based non-profit medical research organization) on this effort to fight the Dengue virus.

Oxitec is experimenting with genetically modified male mosquitoes that are infertile. So when they mate no offspring are born. They are able to target the specific mosquitoes that carry dengue (because those mosquitoes are genetically distinct from other mosquitoes).

From Oxitec’s Dengue Information Center:

Dengue fever is the fastest growing mosquito-borne disease, affecting over 50 million people each year across the world, and continuing to grow both in prevalence and severity.

There are around 25,000 fatalities each year and severe cases require hospitalisation and constant monitoring. Dengue is an extremely expensive disease, estimated to cost the global economy over US$5 billion per year.

Dengue is caused by four different, but related, viruses (known as DENV-1,2,3 and 4). Once infected, a person can develop a lifelong immunity to that strain of the virus but can become more susceptible to the other three strains.

Related: One Scientists 20 Year Effort to Defeat Dengue FeverSingapore Government’s Campaign Against Dengue FeverWorld Health Organization Dengue Fact SheetSingapore’s Health Care SystemExtremely Bad Haze in Johor Bahru and SingaporeVideo showing malaria breaking into cellEngineering Mosquitoes to be Flying Vaccinators (2010)

Singapore Housing: Most Expensive and Most Affordable?

Singapore Homes Most Affordable As Rents Climb

“The clincher in Singapore is that monthly installments toward repayment of your loan are lower than what you would pay in rent,” said Anantharaman, a private banker at ICICI Bank Ltd., who took out a S$1.04 million mortgage for his S$1.3 million property late last year. “It’s one of the few countries in the world where that is possible,” because of the low interest rates, he said.

Homebuyers like Anantharaman are taking advantage of mortgage rates at an all-time low in the Southeast Asian island- state, even as prices are almost at a record high and the government introduced measures to cool the property market. Home affordability in Singapore has risen to the highest in a decade because of historically low interest rates and flexible payment options available to buyers, according to Jefferies Group Inc.

It was just the last post where I wrote about policies Singapore is taking to slow the rise of housing prices. Mortgage rates are a huge issue. If Singapore wants to slow the rising prices they should not allow variable rate mortgages. They also should consider eliminating mortgages over 30 years. The price might be what economist pay attention to but those looking to buy a place to live mainly look at their payment (the price is of some concern but not nearly as much as the payment). Super low rates greatly increase the price people can pay while keeping a low payment. 40 year mortgages also decrease the payment (though really not that much at super low rates).

Anantharaman, 29, pays 55 basis points over Sibor on a 40- year mortgage, effectively giving him a home-loan rate of less than 1 percent. By contrast, mortgage rates in India, his home country, are about 11 percent, according to Rajan Tandon, the Singapore-based head of Housing Development Finance Corp., the largest home-loan provider in India.

Mortgage rates in Singapore are the lowest in Asia, followed by Hong Kong, said Sanjay Jain, an analyst at Credit Suisse Group AG in Hong Kong. His analysis does not include Japan.

Hong Kong’s average mortgage rate is about 2.15 percent, while China’s is 7.43 percent, according to Barclays Plc. Indonesian rates range from 8 percent to 10 percent while in South Korea they are about 5 percent, according to the bank.

In New York, the $1.1 million median price of a condominium makes renting a better option, with the median monthly rent of $3,100. The average rate for New York 30-year fixed jumbo mortgage is 4.24 percent this week, according to Using those numbers, the monthly payment for a mortgage would be more than $4,500.

It doesn’t seem possible to me that the Singapore rate is a 40 year fixed rate. If it is the lenders are crazy (and likely to have huge problems). Instead it is likely a variable rate in which case the borrowers could be in for some real problems when interest rates increase. Calculating things at 1% gives extremely faulty views of affordability (using a variable rate mortgage).

If you are very certain you will move before 5 years (selling your property) variable rate might make sense. If you plan on owning for the long term, variable rate mortgage do not make sense, in my opinion. The super low rates we have not are only a matter of the governments trying to bail out the bankers and cope with the catastrophic problems created by the banking/credit crisis. The unsustainable rates might well last a couple more year (or might not) but the odds of them being here 5 years from now are vanishingly small.

Related: Iskandar (Singapore Suburb, in Malyasia) Housing blogIgnorance of Many Mortgage HoldersHome Values and Rental Rates

Singapore Taxes Increase In Attempt to Cool Condo Prices

Singapore ‘Shoebox’ Condo Sales May Prompt Extra Taxes

Singapore has been attempting to rein in prices since 2009, when the government barred interest-only loans for some housing projects and stopped allowing developers to absorb interest payments for apartments still being built.

Sales have risen as developers offer smaller units, according to CBRE Group Inc. The median size of apartments declined 24 percent to 667 square feet in the quarter ended March from the previous three months while the median price slid 18 percent to S$786,340, it said.

Foreigners and corporate entities have to pay an additional 10 percent stamp duty following measures introduced in December. The extra levy is 3 percent for permanent residents purchasing a second home and for citizens buying their third residential property.

The next round of cooling measures will be targeted at curbing investment demand from Singaporeans, CLSA, a unit of Credit Agricole SA, said in a report dated April 17. The evidence of strong investor demand can be seen in the overwhelming response to “shoebox developments,” according to the CLSA report.

“We believe the government could potentially introduce further cooling measures should the positive trend persist,” analysts Melinda Baxter and Xin Yan Low at Merrill Lynch said in a note to clients dated April 16.

The measure Singapore is taking are fairly strong. It is sensible to try and prevent extremely high prices. Singapore is already on of the most expensive places to live. It seems to me these measure are wise. And taxing foreigners is always a nice thing to do if you can get away with it (and Singapore can).

Another way to cope with the real estate demands in Singapore is to make it more possible to move into Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Singapore and Malaysia have been working on strengthening ties and economic cooperation. There is even talk of extending the Singapore MRT into Johor Bahru before the end of the decade. Those talks are still pretty speculative (though senior members of both governments have expressed support for the goal).

Related: Transportation from Singapore to Johor Bahru MalaysiaSingapore Trourist Attractions

Transportation from Singapore to Johor Bahru Malaysia

To travel from Singapore to Malaysia there are several options, nearly all use the two bridges that connect Singapore to Johor Bahru.

Taxis can be caught at Queen Street to go to Johor Bahru. The taxis cost $40 to go to the dropoff point in Johor Bahru CBD. The taxi will wait for 4 passengers (making the charge $10 each) or you can pay the full taxi fare ($40) to have your own taxi. To go to a specific location in Johor Bahru the cost will be $50, or more.

Buses are also an option (see my post about taking the bus from Johor Bahru to Singapore). You can catch buses at the same Queen Street station with the taxis or at the Kranji MRT (subway) stop. You can catch long distance buses in Singapore or Malaysia to further points in Malaysia.

Taking a car is another option.

Here is a webcam to show you the current status of any backups at the causeway bridge (in either direction) and Tuas bridge. The connections between the cities get very backup up on major holidays and (especially the causeway) during evening and morning rush hours and weekend traffic (leaving Singapore on Friday and Saturday morning and returning to Singapore Sunday night).

Singapore residents travel to Johor Bahru for many reasons. Two of the most popular reasons are to shop and eat at the excellent and cheap (compared to Singapore) restaurants.

You can also catch the train (which goes over the causeway bridge).

And finally you can catch a plane to further away points such as Penang, Kuala Lumpor or Kuching.

Singapore and Malaysia have announced a subway which may connect 5 subways stops (to be built) with the Singapore MRT by 2020.

Related: Johor Bahru Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine Complex (CIQ)Singapore to JB bus servicesSingapore and Iskandar MalaysiaChez Papa French Bistro in JB CBDRosmarino Italian Restaurant in JB CBD

Paintings From the Museum D’Orsay at the National Museum of Singapore

As I wrote previously the Dreams and Reality exhibit from the Museum D’Orsay at the National Museum of Singapore is excellent. Here are some more photos of a few of the paintings included in the exhibit.

photo of paining by Paul Cézanne: The Bay of Marseille seen from L'Estaque

The Bay of Marseille seen from L'Estaque by Paul Cézanne, 1879

photo of painting by Paul Gauguin: Les Alyscamps

Les Alyscamps by Paul Gauguin, 1888

There is an interesting story behind this painting by Guaguin. Following months of correspondence, Paul Gauguin joined Van Gogh in Arles, France in October 1888. Both were intent on depicting a non-naturalist landscape. The two artists painted some identical subjects to compare their work with each other and chose the site of the Alyscamps to paint and compare.

The painting portrays an ancient Roman cemetery, “Les Alyscamps” or “Elysian Fields” which were located south east of the Roman city walls. It appears that the two men worked together at Les Alyscamps between October 28 and 31, 1888. Van Gogh painted four views, the Les Alyscamps pair and the pair of Falling Autumn Leaves paintings. Gauguin produced two paintings.

Related: Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia in Kuala LumporMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York CityBoston Museum of Fine Arts

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Jumbo Seafood Restaurant

Jumbo Seafood is a well respected restaurant in Singapore. I have been several times and have found that respect well earned. The food is great. The service is decent but not as good as I would hope for.

Recently I enjoyed a very nice set lunch at S$38 lunch on Clarke Quay (I also took in the Dreams and Reality exhibit at the Singapore Art Museum, that day). Not cheap, but very good value for the cost in my opinion. The meal started with a set of 3 appetizers including chilled jellyfish which interested me. If someone told me the jellyfish was just noodles I would not have know the difference. I can’t say the jellyfish was very tasty, but it was nice to have tried it.

photo of jellyfish and two other appetizers

Jellyfish and two other appetizers at Jumbo Seafood

The corn soup with fresh fungus, and other appetizers where very tasty. The Lobster was also excellent.

photo of lobster tail entre

Lobster tail - which was great.

I realized after I left I never received my Mango pudding (which was suppose to come with the meal). As I mentioned service leaves a bit to be desired. Still the food is easily worth the visit and I look forward to returning.

Related: Chez Papa French Bistro (Johor Bahru)The Village Briyani Cafe (Johor Bahru)

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