Dreams and Reality: Museum D’Orsay Exhibit at the National Museum of Singapore

photo of gallery in the Singapore Art Museum, temporary D'Orsay exhibit

Room in the Singapore Art Museum D'Orsay exhibit. All photos are by John Hunter.

The Dreams and Reality exhibit at the National Museum of Singapore (now until 5 February 2012, it opened a few weeks ago) is excellent. Musee D’Orsay is one of my favorite museums; it is located in Paris, with many other great museums including the Louvre.

photo of Edgar Degas painting showing dancers climbing a staircase

Dancers Climbing a Staircase (1886-1890) by Edgar Degas, one of my favorites.

The exhibit includes many exceptional paintings by artists including Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Degas, Rousseau, Pissarro, Mondrian, Cézanne, Gauguin and Renior (multiple paintings by many of them). I must say I don’t think the Monet and Manet paintings are their best work, but really who am I to judge them. This exhibit is definitely worth a visit for any art lovers in Singapore. If you are traveling to Singapore before February 2012, plan on stoping by to enjoy the paintings.

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I’ll make another post later, with a few more photos. I especially liked the Van Gogh. I find I like his painting more and more over time. I also liked this lessor known painting, The Enigma (1871) by Gustave Dore. I must admit my first thoughts were of Mordor (from The Lord of the Rings) which is not appropriately reverential for great art, I would guess.

photo of painting by Gustave Dore, The Enigma

The Enigma (1871) by Gustave Dore weaving together scenes from the Franco Prussian War (1870-1871) in Paris and mythology.

Updated to correct museum name.

8 thoughts on “Dreams and Reality: Museum D’Orsay Exhibit at the National Museum of Singapore

  1. Also cannot find anything about the D’orsay exhibition and hours at the SAM on
    any website…….???

  2. Pingback: Jumbo Seafood Restaurant | Singapore

  3. Thanks tmsangel, I have updated the post to show the correct museum and a link to the museum web link for the collection.

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  6. Pingback: Paintings From the Museum D’Orsay at the National Museum of Singapore | Singapore

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