Online Resources for Moving To and Living In Singapore

Singapore is well known as one of the best countries for doing business in the world. The city-state is extremely well planned, well managed and is know for an effective government. The city is a very popular place to live and along with that is also quite expensive.

The visas for working in Singapore have strict requirements but the process of wading through the bureaucracy in Singapore is not the horrible experience it is in most places. The bureaucracy functions well and quickly.

Many working in Singapore live in Johor Bahru for the substantially cheaper rents and other expenses. Singapore is one of the most expensive cities in the world.

Here are some resources I have found online for those interested in considering a move to Singapore:

Housing in Singapore

Living in Singapore

Blogs about Singapore and by People in Singapore

Forums on Singapore

4 thoughts on “Online Resources for Moving To and Living In Singapore

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  3. Pingback: New Curious Cat Network Blog โ€“ Living in Singapore | Curious Cat Network

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